Talking about the phenomenon of the installer running when starting Office 2010 on Windows 10.

Hello, this is Yamapan.

I have installed office2010 on my PC (Windows 10), which I wrote about in previous article. When I started Word and Excel, the installer started up and I had to press "X" and so on, but I was losing about 10 seconds each time. I was losing about 10 seconds every time. It was really stressful.

I went to the trouble of switching to SSD, but the benefit was reduced by half.

This time, the problem was solved, but it took a lot of time, so I'm writing this down.

If you have similar symptoms, this may solve the problem.

Talking about the phenomenon of the installer running when starting Office 2010 on Windows 10.

Pure reinstallation

I tried installing from different files respectively, but to no avail. I wasted over an hour.

Registry modification

I performed this with reference to the following.

The problem occurs when UserData (DWORD type) does not exist in the registry or its value is 0.

In the registry editor (regedit).


[OFFICEAPPLICATION]=Word , Visio , Excel , PowerPoint etc.

and check if the UserData key exists.

If not, create a key named "UserData" using New > DWORD Value and set its value to 0x00000001(1).
Next time you start up Office, go to New > DWORD Value and create Key Name:UserData and set its value to 0x00000001(1).
The next time the Office installer starts up, it will not be displayed.

The problem occurs when "UserData (DWORD type) does not exist in the registry or its value is 0." This is true, but it is not cured, and it appears that this was not the cause of the problem.

Repair reinstall option.

Here it is.

How to Repair Office 2010:

I tried to repair Office 2010, but it didn't work. I lost time.

Microsoft Fix Tool

I referred to this.

Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus is configured each time it is started:

I performed the first fix tool shown here, and the tool finished in about 3 seconds and cured the symptom.

Word used to take about 10 seconds to start, but now it starts up in less than a second.

In case you dont use the tool , following means looks effective.
(I did not try ,this is quot from above MS web page)

  • Enter "Windows" + "R"
    +Input follwing command and enter "Enter"
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1


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